Audio Recording
of the meeting Nova’s Dad had with
Superintendent McCormick, after
emailing and calling numerous times
trying to get a no-contact order
between Nova and the boy that
assaulted her. McCormick refused
the no-contact order,
saying “if we put a no contact order in every time two students had a spat we wouldn’t hardly be able to operate.” Then stated that students have tiffs every day at Peru Schools and it’s called Public Education for a reason.
Now this is after the The Elmwood Principal already lied and said the assault did not happen, and then we proved the assault did happen.
And this is after numerous attempts to get a meeting with the school, and Nova’s Father had to go in and demand a meeting immediately, because Superintendent McCormick and Principal Eddy refused to respond to his phones calls and emails.
So even after we had the evidence that the assault happened, they still refused a basic protocol, that most other schools issue every day, after an assault.
This meeting happened on November 19th, 2024.
The assault happened on November 5th, 2024.
So, for 14 days, Nova’s father tried to resolve this, and get a meeting.
He was ghosted, dismissed, and shewed away.
If this isn’t willful duty-neglect, then what is?
And we wonder why school violence is so rampant???
You can hear in Nova’s father’s voice how he was trying hard to stay calm.